Irish Lives Remembered Issue 42/43 Autumn/Winter 2018

Irish Lives Remembered

What is inside?

This very special double edition of Irish Lives Remembered focuses, primarily, on the centenary of the ending of World War I. Included articles: Finding Records for Irish Soldiers and those involved in World War I by Brian Donovan; The Fighting Irish - Military Records for Irish Genealogical Research by Michael Reynolds and Lorna Moloney; The Irish Solider in 1918 by Lar Joye; Revealing the Life Experiences of one of Cork City's World War I 'American War Brides' by Damian Shiels; Died Not for Flag, Nor King, Nor Emperor - Why Irishman Thomas Duggan Fought in World War I by Fiona O'Mahony; Armistice Day by Fiona Fitzsimons; Ireland's World War I Dead: The Legacy - by Brian Donovan. Away from the Great War there are articles on The Irish Diaspora in the Far East before World War II - Discussion and a Request for Help by Patricia O'Sullivan; If DNA be the Food of Love, Play On! by Maurice Gleeson; Nelly Bly - Pioneering Journalist and Adventurer by Nathan Mannion; Why the Blood on the Feast of St. Martin? by Eamonn 'Ned' Kelly; Glory, Glamourand Gore - the Gruesome Tale of Vere St Leger Goold by Nathan Mannion; The 1674 Suicide of Alderman Mark Quin, former Lord Mayor of Dublin. Why? There are also regular columns by Fiona Fitzsimons, two from our the Photodetective Jayne Shrimpton and Patrick's Page. Brigit McCone has a review of the movie Black '47 as well as an interview with the director, along with a discussion of the Irish Gothic book Sleeping with Lights On. There are also book excerpts from Gerard O'Rourke's Ancient Sweet Donoughmore: Life in an Irish Rural Parish and Ida Milne's Stacking the Coffins: Influenza, War and Revolution in Ireland 1918-19.


5 years ago

Still got "bad certificate" security warnings! Is there a serious server management problem?

5 years ago

I also get a security error on trying to load the magazine.

5 years ago

Same. My browser reports "The owner of has configured their website improperly. Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN"

5 years ago

Same issue, cannot view Irish Lives

5 years ago

Same here - in fact I received an email as an already signed up member & had to sign up again, hopefully not on a fraudulent site, though gave no ID.

5 years ago

Same here.

5 years ago

FYI No problem downloading at 12.30 GMT Dec23 using Chrome browser in UK. Did not see a Bad Cert message at all. Have full security package running, which would have noticed such a problem.

5 years ago

To all Irish Family History Centre and Irish Lives Remembered subscribers and enthusiasts, the website is currently under construction. Due to this, some of you may encounter issues when accessing certain parts of the website. We would like you all to know that your data is secure and our security is functioning properly throughout the site. All technical issues will be resolved soon however in the meantime we would ask you all to use the Google Chrome browser to view the latest edition of Irish Lives Remembered on Alternatively, it is also available to view on We are working hard to resolve all issues and we kindly thank you for your patience, Caitlin

5 years ago

Thank you for the update. However, I tried on Chrome yesterday and got a lot of warnings not to proceed with looking at the magazine.

5 years ago

Hi Maeve, thank you for letting us know that - we'll update our developers with this information. You should be able to view the latest version at with no difficulties.

5 years ago

Same here

5 years ago

I received the security certificate problem message also.

5 years ago

Safari browser reports that certificate is not valid; and that happens if the "website is misconfigured or an attacher has compromised your connection". . .Issued by Let's Encrypt Authority X3..."" certificate name does not match input."

5 years ago

That's the same error I'm getting.

5 years ago

After going through the process of signing up, I got the same warning. What gives?

5 years ago uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is only valid for Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN Can't get to the magazine

5 years ago

FWIW, I took a chance and ignored the error. It took FOREVER to download, but it appears to be OK. I got 96 pages. I use Malwarebytes and I've had no warnings from my security software. Using Firefox I went to Advanced option at the error and chose to do a security exception for the IFHC web site.

5 years ago

Ditto - just ignore the warning or over-ride it. Large download, but my Avast stuff didn't object either.

5 years ago

I downloaded the file but am unable to save it.

5 years ago

I ignored the warning about the certificate and it loads (eventually) but then there is no option to save as a PDF - only as a web page (which doesn't work afterwards).

5 years ago

I can't download Irish Lives Issue 42/43 Is there a problem ?? Very frustrating as l thoroughly enjoy reading each issue .

5 years ago

To all Irish Family History Centre and Irish Lives Remembered subscribers and enthusiasts, the website is currently under construction. Due to this, some of you may encounter issues when accessing certain parts of the website. We would like you all to know that your data is secure and our security is functioning properly throughout the site. All technical issues will be resolved soon however in the meantime we would ask you all to use the Google Chrome browser to view the latest edition of Irish Lives Remembered on Alternatively, it is also available to view on We are working hard to resolve all issues and we kindly thank you for your patience, Caitlin

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