Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Irishmen, Vol III Part I, 1840

by James Willis

photo of Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Irishmen, Vol III Part I, 1840


Ref: IE0456
ISBN: 978-1-84630-713-9
Pages: 244
Size: 282.60 MB

What is inside?

Published in 12 parts over 6 volumes, Willis’ work is a vast collection of biographical notices of some of the most notable Irish figures in history. Volume III Part II was published in 1840 and continues the Political series covering the 17th Century Included in this volume are Miles Bourke, Viscount Mayo, Sir Robert King, Sir Robert Stewart, Owen O’Neile, Ulick, 5th Earl of Clanricarde, and Letitia, Baroness Ophaly. The vast majority of this volume is given over to James, Duke of Ormond. The parts are being made available here as they appear in the bound versions.


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