The Scotch-Irish in America, Proceedings and Addresses of the Fourth Congress April-May 1892

by The Scotch-Irish Society of America

photo of The Scotch-Irish in America, Proceedings and Addresses of the Fourth Congress April-May 1892


Ref: IE0450
ISBN: 978-1-84630-707-4
Pages: 378
Size: 450.41 MB

What is inside?

The Scotch-Irish Society of America was founded in 1889 and published the proceedings of its annual conference for the first ten years. The first conference of the society was held in Columbia, Tennessee, in May 1889. The society was originally founded to promote and preserve Scotch-Irish heritage and history. This was reflected in the addresses at this congress in Atlanta, Georgia. Topics include The Scotch-Irish of Atlanta, Georgia and Iowa, the Ireland of today, the acts of the Scotch-Irish father, the Scotch-Irish – who and what are they? as well as listings of the members of the various organisations and committees throughout the US. This series will prove very beneficial to anyone interested in Scotch-Irish ancestry.


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