Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Irishmen, Vol I Part II, 1839

by James Willis

photo of Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Irishmen, Vol I Part II, 1839


Ref: IE0445
ISBN: 978-1-84630-702-3
Pages: 249
Size: 271.22 MB

What is inside?

Published in 12 parts over 6 volumes, Willis’ work is a vast collection of biographical notices of some of the most notable Irish figures in history. Volume I Part I was published in 1839 and covers from the “Earliest Time” to the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603. Though part of this is split in to Volume I Part II. This Part concludes the Dermod Macmurragh biography from Part I as well as having biographies of Strongbow, Roderic, de Courcy, Hugh O’Neill, Hugh de Lacy, Richard de Burgo, as well as several Earls of Desmond, Kildare and Ormond. The is also a complete list of all those included in both parts of Volume I The parts are being made available here as they appear in the bound versions.


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