Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland Vol 1 and Vol 2. 1841

by W.H. Bartlett

photo of Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland Vol 1 and Vol 2. 1841


Ref: IE0420
ISBN: 978-1-84630-677-9
Pages: 353
Size: 108.65 MB

What is inside?

William Henry Bartlett (1809-1854) was one of the foremost illustrators of topography of his time. Within these two volumes are displayed Bartlett’s talent for capturing a scene and bringing it to life with great attention to detail. Illustrations included in these two volumes are, for example, mountains in the Gap of Dunloe, Gougane Barra, Cork Cove, St. Patrick’s Cathedral (Dublin) and The Four Courts. The accompanying text was written by J.W. Stirling and N.P. Willis amongst others. This publication provides a unique insight into various locations throughout Ireland and is greatly enhanced by Bartlett’s beautifully atmospheric illustrations.


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