Ireland's Memorial Records WW1

by The Committee of the Irish National War Memorial

photo of Ireland's Memorial Records WW1


Ref: ENEC11
Pages: 3177
Size: 359.99 MB

What is inside?

The objective of the 8 volumes and 3,177 pages that are reproduced here was to preserve the names of over 49,000 Irishmen who lost their lives fighting in World War I. The collection was compiled by The Committee of the Irish National War Memorial under the direction of the Earl of Ypres. It was published in 1923. It records the names of the dead, their rank, regiment, date of death and regimental number. In most cases the soldier's county or place of birth and the place and date of death are recorded. All 32 counties in Ireland lost men in the Great War. More than 5,000 from Antrim, 4,800 from Dublin and 3,000 from Cork alone. Indeed it is likely that every village, town and city in Ireland at the time was touched in some way by the loss. Beautiful artwork by the renowned Irish artist Harry Clarke completes this unique production, as users can view high quality scanned images from the original publication. Only one hundred copies of the original publication were ever produced. It is extremely rare.


8 years ago

Apologies to anyone who has had difficulty viewing this publication. Problem should be resolved now. If you still encounter problems please do let me know below. Thank you.

8 years ago

Hi I could not view this, it did not download. Regards Carol

8 years ago

Hi Carol, It seems to be working ok from what I can see. Perhaps you could send me an email ( and let me know what is happening for you?

5 years ago

I am also having trouble downloading this!

5 years ago

If you are using Firefox browser you can authorize an exception and you will be fine. I just did that and had no problem with downloading after having done so.

7 years ago

I am having the same problem. After several seconds of the download scrollbar going from left to right I am left with a blank screen with the PDF toolbar across the top. I am running Windows 10 and IE 11

7 years ago

Hi Donald, thank you very much for the information. The problem does seem to be an Internet Explorer 11 one. I will get the developers on to it. It opens in both Firefox and Chrome with no problems. Please do feel free to get in touch by email (see above) if you like.

4 years ago

I've tried to download this on Chrome Opera Firefox and I.E. with no luck. Just an error message

6 years ago

Unable to view or download. Same problem as others' in comments 1 year ago. I am using Chrome.

6 years ago

Viewing was fine. Thank you.

5 years ago


5 years ago

Having trouble finding where and how to download :) thanks


5 years ago

Can't download via Chrome browser error message: PDF.js v1.5.309 (build: e908b71) Message: Unexpected server response (0) while retrieving PDF "".

4 years ago

It won't let me see the contents, says the site is not secure

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