at the Irish Family History Centre

TradFest 2018 ran from the 24th - 28th January and is Ireland’s largest festival of traditional music with many events taking place in some of Dublin’s most historic places.

The Irish Family History Centre was delighted to be able to run events which could be enjoyed in conjunction with the musical delights.  It was the first time we had connected with TradFest and we were delighted with the response.

On the 26th January Professor Dan Bradley from Trinity College spoke on ‘DNA and the Chain of Irish Ancestry’.  This talk proved highly popular as it was explained how DNA is the key to unlocking that unique chain of ancestry stored within each of us and how we can map the links of ancient Irish with other regions and uncover the migrations that shaped the island’s peoples, and the world.

On January 28th our Genealogist Declan Brady held a genealogy workshop which ended with a visit to the Irish Family History Centre to fully engage and explore what they had just learnt.  

We received many inquiries as to when future talks might take place and we are delighted to say that Declan will be returning on 11th March to speak on the official state records of births, marriages and deaths in Ireland - what is available online and what is is available at the General Registry Office, how to use the indexes and how to get the most out of reading the original records. Declan will outline valuable tips for searching these records online and some of the pitfalls to avoid.

Tickets are available at eventbrite. 



By Caitlin Bain


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