The Capuchin Annual now online

We are happy to announce that for the first time the complete run of The Capuchin Annual is now freely available online. All of the editions of this iconic publication from 1930-1977 are available to view at the following link:



The Annual was one of the most widely-read Irish literary publications of the twentieth century. Its list of contributors included many prominent Irish writers including Benedict Kiely, Daniel Corkery and Pearse Hutchinson. It also brought to public attention the work of artists such as Jack B. Yeats, Seán O’Sullivan, Harry Clarke, John Lavery, and Richard King. Two issues in particular, those for 1942 and 1966, are of lasting value for students of the 1916 Rising and the revolutionary period. As part of our commitment to commemorating the Decade of Centenaries and promoting an understanding of the Irish Revolution, the Capuchin Franciscan Order has made the complete run of the Annual freely accessible for scholarly research.


Just a few points in relation to using the online resource:


Each Annual edition has been digitized with PAGE-FLIP functionality. You simply turn the pages by using the arrows or by clicking and dragging the page corners.


Each Annual edition can be KEY-WORD SEARCHED by using the magnifying glass icon on the left-hand toolbar.


You can click anywhere on the page to ZOOM-IN on the text. You can also enter FULL-SCREEN MODE by using the icon on the left-hand toolbar.


No portion of the Annuals may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the Capuchin Franciscans.


The Capuchin Franciscan Order wishes to acknowledge the assistance of both Eneclann and Acton Web in digitizing and making the The Capuchin Annual available online.


By Laura Carroll


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