The Archaeology of a Decade of War 2016 Lecture Series

The Archaeology of a Decade of War 2016 Lecture Series

The Archaeological Landscape of the War of Independence & the Civil War

by Mr Damian Shiels

1pm on Thursday 6 October 2016

at the

National Museum of Ireland-Archaeology, Kildare Street, Dublin 2


This talk will examine the wealth of archaeological evidence for Ireland's 20th century conflict which surrounds us today. Using local case studies, it will demonstrate what can be learned from an examination of sites such as safe houses, weapon factories, training areas, prison sites, RIC stations, ambush sites and other such conflict-related locations, and mapping them in the modern landscape. It will also provide advice on how such studies can be undertaken in different areas throughout the island with the participation of local groups. This largely unrecognised archaeological landscape can play a key role in our understanding of aspects of the Revolutionary era, not least the operation of guerrilla warfare.

Admission free but booking required. Please contact the Education and Outreach Department to reserve a place:

Telephone: 01 648 6332


Please note this event is in not wheelchair accessible.

Part of the National Museum of Ireland’s 1916 Public Engagement Programme


By Laura Carroll


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