Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland 2016: Joe Buggy: Ten free websites for U.S. genealogy research.

Title: Ten free websites for U.S. genealogy research.

Every genealogist loves free access to records and genealogy information. Most people begin with Familysearch and Cyndi's List when doing research in the Unites States. But where can you turn to after using those sites? This talk outlines ten free websites that professional genealogist Joe Buggy regularly uses. These websites will help you locate digitised newspapers, death and burial information, useful maps and a wide variety of other records and sources.


Joe Buggy is a genealogist with AncestryProGenealogists, the in-house research team of Based in Dublin, he conducts research on behalf of clients from around the world. From 2010-2015, he lived in New York City and Washington, D.C., where he worked as a self-employed genealogy researcher and writer. Joe is the author of Finding Your Irish Ancestors in New York City,the first book on the topic. He has previously written about researching Irish immigrants in the U.S. in a series of articles for Irish Lives Remembered genealogy magazine. Outside of his day job, Joe runs the Townland of Origin website and blog, which focuses on Irish genealogical research in the United States and Canada.


By Laura Carroll


7 years ago

Great list of websites to check.




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