Summer Talks in the National Library of Ireland, 2016. Dr. Paul MacCotter - Territory, maps & genealogy

Dr. Paul MacCotter: Territory, maps and genealogy


One of the most difficult things in Irish genealogical research is to identify a place of origin or residence. In Irish history our boundaries, territories, and loyalties have changed over time. The records that were made at any moment in time will be archived according to old territorial names & divisions, some of them no longer in use.   

In this talk, Paul McCotter addresses how we identify place location, administrative districts, and what records survive for the genealogist and family historian.


Dr. Paul MacCotter obtained his MA and his PhD in UCC.

His PhD thesis was published as a book, Medieval Ireland: territorial, political and economic divisions (Fourcourts Press, 2008, rep. 2014). He worked as Historical Consultant for the Heritage Council funded INSTAR project, Making Christian Landscapes, between 2008 to 2010, and obtained a prestigious two year Government of Ireland fellowship, in 2010. Dr. MacCotter currently continues his academic research, with several studies forthcoming, and is an assistant lecturer in the Schools of History and Adult Continuing Education, UCC, and a research associate with the Irish Ancestry Research Company of the University of Limerick. A list of his extensive publications may be accessed at




By Laura Carroll


8 years ago

It would have been lovely to see his screens while he was talking about them. -- and also, how does one obtain the handouts? Good talk - lots of information - I enjoyed it (and learned) a lot. Thanks......

8 years ago

Hi Carol, No problem, we are glad you enjoyed it, If you would like to send me an email on I will send you on his handout :)


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