Polemical corner

How should we steer the future development of Genealogy/ Family History as an expert discipline?


The Genealogical Society of Ireland recently reported on the change of name of one of Ireland’s genealogical groups.  Under the headline ‘APGI becomes AGI’ they outlined in forensic detail the various corporate and non-incorporated groups and identities adopted by the Association of Professional Genealogists in Ireland since 2010.


The report continued “no official accrediting body for genealogists exists in Ireland.  Neither APGI nor the newly named AGI [have]… any State recognition as a professional accrediting body.”


Whilst congratulating our friends and colleagues in the GSI on their scoop, we at Eneclann would like to remind them, that there’s a much more serious issue at stake: namely, how do we develop Genealogy/ Family History as an expert discipline?


Currently the National University of Ireland and the University of Limerick  both set a course of study that equips graduating students with skills and qualifications in family history.




Final exams for both courses are examined by an external examiner, operating within the framework of the University Examiners’ Board. 
Only a University can provide the independence and transparity to ensure that the skills and standards required by professionals are attained.


This has to be the preferred direction for genealogy as an expert discipline (whether professional, academic or otherwise), one governed by university qualifications rather than private accreditation.


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What do YOU think are the big issues in Irish family history and genealogy? We invite our readers to send in a short piece [250 -300] words on what you think is important, and deserves an airing.


We’ll publish the most interesting, thought-provoking polemics in future newsletters.

By Laura Carroll


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