Online Consultations now available on the IFHC Website

As promised we’re delighted to announce that you can now book an Online Consultation, via Skype or Google Hangouts, with one of our Expert Genealogists! Their knowledge, and decades of experience, will make them invaluable to furthering your research.

Online Consultations can be pre-booked (48 hours in advance) as 60 minute sessions and are available 1 pm - 5 pm local Irish time including weekends from May.

This innovation was rolled out due to the overwhelmingly positive response we’ve had for our private consultations, given at the Irish Family History Centre. We thought it would be only be fair to provide a similar offering online for our overseas researchers - to support your Irish Family Research, wherever you are in the world!


So, if you’ve hit a brick wall with your research check out  

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at



Read here how people have benefitted from our private consultations:

A Needed Step

“I have been doing family research for many years, but I had hit a wall with my Irish ancestors. After spending time with the experts at the Irish Family History Centre, I was able to discover two more generations of my family history. They even pointed me to the buildings in Dublin where I could get copies of their records. It was amazing! I feel like a family detective now.”


Loved the snapshot into my past!!!

“Soon they had figured out who in my heritage actually was Irish, and got me on the correct path. Now I can continue digging into my family tree on my own time.”


By Caitlin Bain


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