News Digest

 Society of Genealogists events in November

  • Else Churchill speaking on "20th Century Perspectives - Sources and Techniques for Family Historians" - on Weds 30 Nov.

Wednesday, 30 November  14:00 - 20th Century Perspectives – Sources and Techniques for Family Historians

It feels like it should be easier to find ancestors living in the 20th century than those living in the 19th, but sometimes, it can be harder to research after 1911. Many records are still closed while others offer challenges when we try to search for our family names particularly as there will be no census for English and Welsh genealogy in 1931 or 1941. Hence in this talk Else Churchill looks at distinct features of 20th Century Life and the sources  and techniques genealogists might use to  supplement this gap such as divorce, the 1939 Register, local directories, electoral records, social media and the internet. 

A one-hour lecture with Staff Genealogist, Else Churchill, cost 8.00/6.40

  • Intellectual Property Office  on "Copyright for Family History" on 9 Nov.

Copyright applies to photographs, diaries, paintings, film clips and many other works.  This talk will aim to cover some of the issues you might face with copyright works in your family history, including how long copyright lasts, when you might or might not need permission to use the works, and what you can do if you cannot find the right holder and would like to copy the work.  This talk will be especially useful for those considering publication of their family history. 

A one-hour lecture with staff from the Intellectual Property Office (IPO), the official government body responsible for intellectual property rights including patents, designs, trade marks and copyright. 

Cost 8.00/6.40

  • Mapping evictions in Ireland 1845-51

The Irish Famine Eviction Project is a study by Dr Ciaran Reilly to document evidence of evictions between 1845 and 1851. His vision is to create a dedicated online resource listing GPS coordinates for famine eviction sites and to create a better understanding of the actual people involved in the evictions. It is hoped that the Irish Famine Eviction Project will shed new light on numbers, locations and background stories of those involved. 

Sponsored by Irish Newspaper Archives the project will use primary and secondary source information to research, gather and catalogue evictions. One of the goals is to collaborate with individuals, societies and libraries across the world. The Project is looking for any information of evictions, locations and local folklore. To submit your own research for inclusion in the project, email your findings to: or tweet: @famineeviction 

500 Sites have been mapped so far - see


  • Remembering Irish-American Titanic hero Margaret "The Unsinkable Molly" Brown

  • Out of the ashes – An Irishman’s Diary on the Irish Genealogical Research Society

  • 1950s Irish orphan’s happy ever after in New York


By Laura Carroll


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