News Digest

Digital project to recreate public record office destroyed by fire:

A project is under way, in Trinity College Dublin, to digitally recreate the building and contents of the Public Record Office of Ireland, which were destroyed by an explosion and fire at Dublin's Four Courts in 1922.


First Irish populations had dark skin similar to Cheddar Man, DNA research suggests:

Speaking on RTÉ Radio One’s Morning Ireland, professor of population genetics at Trinity College Dublin, Dan Bradley said that a project with the National Museum of Ireland has made similar findings for that of the earliest Irish populations.


Find My Past celebrates Centenary with FREE records: 

To celebrate 100 years of votes for women, you can explore historic suffrage movement records FREE until 8 March 


Society of Genealogists launch an online Beginners Course:

The Society of Genealogists (U.K.) has launched an online Beginners Course prepared by Emma Jolly, which is free to members.

The Beginners Course is a comprehensive introduction to family history. The Course comprises comprising ten modules, guiding you through records of Civil Registration, Census Returns, Directories, Probate, Armed Forces, Parish Registers, Nonconformity, The British in India, and Immigration. There are also tips on researching at The National Archives and Local Record Offices, as well as Using the Web and Tracing Living Relatives.

Each module is delivered by a mixture of a voice-over PowerPoint presentation, PDFs of accompanying notes, and occasional support sessions on our new Community Hub. To access the course, enter the Learning Zone in the Members Area, and click on ‘Courses in Genealogy’. SOCIETY OF GENEALOGISTS FEBRUARY 2018 23 Editorial email: www.sog .org .uk 2 NEWSLETTER Editorial email: www.sog .org .uk New on the SoG Members’ Learning Zone The Learning Zone can be found in the dedicated Members Area of the SoG website. Here you will find research aids, record guides and hints and tips along with online Members’ tutorials and courses with videoed PowerPoint slides and student notes to help you with your research.

In addition to Emmy Jolly’s short Beginners Course outlined above, the Members’ tutorials include some presentations from the Society’s Genealogist, Else Churchill, on tackling genealogical brick walls, researching records of education and occupation and some more in depth guidance on researching probate.



By Caitlin Bain


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