News Digest

Irish Famine film narrated by Gabriel Byrne wins regional Emmy in the U.S.

Ireland’s Great Hunger and the Irish Diaspora – the film looks at the history of the Famine in part through the eyes of the descendants of those who survived it, and those who fled to Canada and Australia (Earl Grey scheme).


SS Hare sunk 1914, SS Adela Sunk 1917, Commemoration planned

The relatives of victims, local historians and community groups from the Dublin Docklands area are working together to commemorate later this year the centenary of the WWI sinking of two Dublin ships. On 14 December 1914 the SS Hare, best remembered as the ship that brought food packages from British trade unionists to starving Dublin workers during the 1913 Lockout, was sunk off Howth Head with the loss of eleven crew members.

On 27 December 1917 the SS Adela was sunk by German submarines off Skerries, with the loss of twenty-four lives. The group plans to erect memorial plaques on Dublin’s North and South Quays, hold memorial services and produce a publication.

Our genealogy research team has met with descendants of the crew on both ships, in the Genealogy Advisory Service in the National Library. We would like to encourage anyone with a family story to come forward and take part in this timely commemoration.


The Genealogical Society of Ireland is on the move.  

The GSI will move into their new premises at the DLR Leisure Centre, Loughlinstown Drive, Dun Laoghaire on Wednesday 5th July. They are looking for volunteers to help transport their Archive, library and computers.
If you would like to help with the move please let Tom Conlan know by emailing him at 


Genealogy Advisory Service, National Library of Ireland.

Come and meet our team of expert genealogists and family historians.

Monday to Friday 9:30 – 4:45pm, Saturday 9:30 to 12:30pm.


Vaccines are one of humanity’s most incredible accomplishments

In the last 150 years have saved tens of millions of young lives.

One of the most frequent events our research team find during research, are the deaths of infants and young children from measles, mumps. It’s not so long ago that these simple childhood illnesses could disable, blind and even kill young children.


What’s the most popular Irish book?

Ulysses? the Book of Kells? Artemis Fowl? Thom’s Directory? The answer may surprise you.


This is slightly left-field for a genealogy newsletter, then again dear reader, most of you are regular book-readers.

Author’s fundraising drive raises money for Grenfell Tower Fire Relief Fund.


Wellcome Library online

Thousands of items from the Wellcome Library's collections are freely available online. Find out more about what has been digitised so far.  


Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Data-base

This data-base has information on almost 36,000 slaving voyages, that forcibly embarked over 10 million Africans for transport to the Americas between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Look at the evidence here, to learn the reality of one of the largest forced movements of peoples in the history of the world.


NYC Maps by Decade

In the century 1850 to 1950 NYC grew faster than almost any other city in the world. It can be confusing when you’re trying to track down elusive immigrant ancestors into the city. The Maps by Decade shows digitized street maps from the NYC Public Library’s Map Division, published between 1850 and 1950 and grouped by decade.


By Brian Donovan


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