News Digest

There are many interesting people commemorated in Saint Patrick’s Cathedral – writers, soldiers, churchmen, lawyers – people from all walks of life, famous in their day but who are now largely forgotten.


Founded 1432 St. Patrick’s Cathedral Choir School is the oldest existing school in Ireland. It’s a vibrant school and a piece of Ireland’s living heritage.  The choir school is currently fundraising, with a series of spectacular concerts and a recording. Here’s your chance to Sponsor a Track.


Donation link:


The San people of southern Africa are among the most-studied indigenous groups in the world. But some San want a greater say in such research. On 2 March, three communities in South Africa issued their own research-ethics code — thought to be the first from any indigenous group in Africa.   Nature: the international weekly journal of Science.


The Association of Professional Genealogists Launches New Code of Ethics and Practices


David Wolman reports how 157 years ago, 600 people, most of them Irish immigrants, were rescued from a disaster at sea 150 miles off the Boston coast. Modern-day treasure hunters recently found the wreck of the doomed steamship.


Seema Kelly of APG found a published list of passengers from the Connacht steam-ship, from the New York Times edition 11th Oct. 1860


At one time she was known as “the most dangerous woman in America.” No, not Bonnie Parker (of Bonnie & Clyde infamy) or Lizzie Borden! Meet ‘Mother Jones.’ She believed in racial equality and campaigned to end child labour, but opposed votes for women!


By Laura Carroll


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