Genealogy Graduation Ceremony

On Tuesday 25th April EPIC at CHQ hosted a graduation ceremony for the classes that completed Fingal County Libraries, Beginners’ Class in Irish Genealogy / Family History. The classes were held October 2016 to April 2017, and taught by Fiona Fitzsimons of the Irish Family History Centre.

The students that completed Fingal County Libraries, Beginners’ Class in Irish Genealogy / Family History.

Twenty-four students attended to receive their certificates of completion for the course.

M. C. for the night was Fiona Ross of EPIC; also present were Elizabeth McAleer of Blanchardstown Library, Catherine Murphy T.D.; and Fiona O’Mahony of the Irish Family History Centre.

Fiona Fitzsimons thanked Blanchardstown Library for their initiative, and the course participants for bringing their curiosity and themselves to class.  

Fiona Ross presented the students with their certificates on the evening
Bake House provided delicious refreshments on the evening 









Elizabeth McAleer of Blanchardstown Library,


By Laura Carroll


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