Gaelic Capital and Norman Stronghold - Ferns and the transformation of Ireland

Archaeologists and historians from Ireland and Scotland, all experts in their individual fields, will deliver papers on topics ranging from Gaelic royal landscapes to Anglo Norman settlement and William Marshal, the greatest knight in Christendom. Speakers will include Dr. Edel Bhreathnach, CEO, The Discovery Programme; Gerard Dowling, also of The Discovery Programme, who led the recent geophysical project in Ferns; Professor Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, University College Galway; Dr Stephen Harrison, University of Glasgow; Dr Adrian Empey, an expert on William Marshal, and Dr Eamonn McEneaney, Waterford Museum of Treasures. Question and Answer sessions will give conference attendees a full opportunity to participate.The conference will take place in Ferns Castle Visitors Centre on Saturday, March 12th.  Because seating is limited, with just 50 seats available, booking is essential and seating will be allocated on a first come first served basis.  Conference fee €25 (including lunch).  Optional extras include a Conference Dinner on Saturday evening at a cost of €25 and Field trips on Sunday @ €15.

If you would like more information or would like to book a place,

PH: 087-4189740. Visit the Ferns Heritage Conference page  for full details of the conference programme.

By Laura Carroll


7 years ago

Hope this happens in 2017.




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