Expert Workshops at the Royal Irish Academy of Ireland 2017, Irish Traveller Culture

Who are Irish Travellers, and where do they fit in today's society? learn about the origins of Irish Travellers, their unique culture, language and heritage.


Michael McDonagh, B.A. N.U.I.

A member of the Traveller community, Michael is an expert on Traveller history and culture. He has a passion for the retention of Traveller and Roma identity. A community activist, he is a founder/ board member on
national and international organisations including Minceir Misle; the National Council for Travelling People; the Traveller Prison Initiative Steering Group, and Chairperson of the National Traveller Partnership.


If you enjoyed this Expert Workshop, now's your chance to explore more!

Share your family  history skills, by volunteering to work with the Meath Traveller Network. If you'd like to know more, please contact 

To relate in the news this week:

Travellers formally recognised as an ethnic minority



By Laura Carroll


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