Expert Talks in the National Library of Ireland

Our Expert speaker for June is Colum O'Riordan. 




Colum’s talk is entitled:


An A to Z of the Irish Architectural Archives collections. 


Date: Saturday June 11th,


Time: 2pm - 3.30pm,


Venue: The Seminar Room, NLI, Kildare St.




The Irish Architectural Archive is 40 years old in 2016. This talk will explore the origins and development of the Archive, and look at some of the collections.




Colum O’Riordan was awarded a BA from University College Dublin in 1989 and an MA from the same University in 1991. He completed the Diploma in Archival Studies course in 1993. Having worked for a short period on the archives of Sir Alfred Chester Beatty in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, he took up the post of Archive Administrator in the Irish Architectural Archive in January 1994. He became General manager of the Archive in 2013.


                  This is a free ticketed event. To reserve your place please email 


The Expert Workshops for CPD are open to everyone interested in Irish research with a particular emphasis on Family History.

By Laura Carroll


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